Wear 2 mukhi rudraksha to stabilize your relationships

The 2 mukhi rudraksha represents the Ardhanarishwar, which according to Hindu religion is the united form of Lord Shiva and Shakti or Parvati.This unification stands for the unification of mind and soul in a body. Shina and Parvati are one who are united by the Shivalinga. A 2 face rudraksha is the symbol of that unification. It is the unification of power of a man and a woman and their souls and minds are all connected.

2 mukhi

The significance of wearing this type of rudraksha

According to Hindu mythology and astrology, the 2 face rudraksha symbolizes unity and togetherness. It gives a harmony and balance to all kind of relationships in a person’s life who wears it. It helps one to look towards the life in a positive way removing the negative thoughts that occur frequently in their mind. This type of rudraksha is said to be ruled by planet Moon and it brings health, happiness and prosperity. It gives one the emotional stability and inner peace in life.

The benefits one gets by wearing this type of rudraksha

Wearing a 2 faced rudraksha can bring unification and strengthening of a relationship between a husband and wife or parents and children. It brings unity in relationships by keeping the bond strong. It is said that the couples who are planning for a child; a do mukhi rudraksha can be very beneficial to them. It increases the sexual bond between couples. It also helps one to find a perfect life partner as well. Those who are creative in nature and by profession can wear this as this type of rudraksha increases creativity in one. It provides healing energy to both mind and emotions. It gives one the inner peace and increases stability in life.

This 2 faced rudraksha has some medical benefits too. It can cure any problem in the intestinal function and also strengthens the digestive system. This can help one who are suffering from infertility and other sexual diseases. It also strengthens the muscles in a human body.

Wearing this type of rudraksha can bring happiness in family and personal life.

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