A Short Guide on the Benefits of Vaidoorya Mani

Cat’s eye is also called Vaidoorya. It got its name from the fact that it looks almost similar to a cat’s eye. This gemstone is ascribed to the God Ketu. This shiny gemstone is believed to decrease the harmful effect of Ketu, also called the dragon’s tail. Cat’s eye is prescribed by astrologers depending on the wearer’s condition in life. It saves them from the negative influences of the headless shadowy half-planet of Ketu.


There are several cat’s eye gemstone benefits. Take a look at this:

  • This mixture of the elements aluminum and beryllium helps in bringing a sense of stability in the wearer’s life.
  • It helps in regaining lost property or wealth. This gemstone helps in opening a closed enterprise or business. One can restart this kind of wealth related activities once again.
  • It protects the wearer from negative influences and evil forces.
  • It attracts good luck and so is preferred by people who gambles regularly.
  • Lehsunia or cat’s eye helps in decreasing nightmare or bad dreams caused by the planet Ketu. This opaque gemstone helps in gaining mental stability back into someone’s life. It helps the wearer to live free without stress, anxiety and guilt.
  • It helps in the individual’s spiritual progress.
  • If you want to restore back your memory or is suffering from a short-term memory problem, then this is the perfect gemstone for you.
  • It saves the wearer from sudden accidents and mishaps.
  • It helps its wearer in facing difficult situation and let them take positive steps for bringing good changes into their life.
  • It helps in spiritual progress by helping one attaining a sense of detachment of material desires and free them from material bondage.

Chrysoberyl or cat’s eye is found in several places across the world. You can buy this from various countries. Even astrologers sell these gemstones and are found in several e-stores as well. You can also check the cat’s eye stone price in India and several other places of the world by checking through various online sites which sells these gemstones. It is found in several colors as well. It can be set in gold or silver rings and as well in bracelets. It is always advised to wear cat’s eye only after consulting an astrologer. You can clean it with mild soap and water and after cleaning always clean it with a soft, clean piece of cloth or towel. Do not use jewelry cleaner for cleaning cat’s eye especially those cleaners containing harmful chemicals.

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