The Rudraksha Representing Lord Indra

There are various faced Rudraksha beads available in the Himalayan region. Each mukhi Rudraksha is ascribed to various Hindu deities. They are considered a form of that particular deity. The deity’s powers and energy is said to be found in that particular bead and it is believed that the wearer gets transferred with that energy and it helps them a lot in their spiritual progress.

The 13 mukhi Rudraksha is said to be representing Lord Indra, king of the Devas, and also the god of love, Kama. The ruling planet is Venus hence it is very much beneficial for those who are seeking for true love or their soul-mate in their life. Let us a take a look at the benefits of wearing this particular Rudraksha in one’s life:


  • It enables one to charm others and attract them. For this very reason, people related to working with the masses must wear this particular Rudraksha. It can actually cause a hypnotic effect on the person you will want to attract.
  • It is very much helpful for meditation and chanting processes.
  • Kama deva fulfills one’s all worldly desires. Also as mentioned above your luck for finding ‘the one’ increases with this special Rudraksha.
  • This rarely found Rudraksha gives power and authority to its wearer.
  • Like Lord Indra, the wearer also gets blessed by the other gods.
  • You will also be able to bewitch animals with this beads and also control the animals.
  • It helps people suffering from sexual disorders, thyroid problems, other hormonal problems, eye problems, indigestion, dropsy and pregnancy related problems. It is particularly beneficial for these patients.
  • Married couples can take the help of this Rudraksha for solving relationship problems. It also helps them in overcoming sexual differences and related problems.
  • If you wanted to succeed in any debate or argument, then do wear this. It is particularly helpful for those want to boost up their self-confidence.
  • It is helpful for those who want awaken their Kundalini Shakti.
  • Research personnel are advised to wear this Rudraksha for better performance in their particular area of study.
  • The wearer if by chance had killed one of his/ her close relatives, then wearing this Rudraksha bead can help him/her to overcome this deadly sin. They will be able to free themselves of this guilt and sin.

These are the benefits of this special kind of Rudraksha. The Thirteen Face Rudraksha helps a person in attaining their worldly as well spiritual gains. One can lead a luxurious as well as a spiritual life by wearing this Rudraksha. Wear this on Monday after doing a prana pratistha puja for gaining the maximum benefit.

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