Catseye stone features, benefits, and price

As per Vedic astrology, the cateye stone, which is also known as lehsuniya, is the gemstone for planet Ketu. The cateye is a gemstone with intense planetary energies as well as shows the effects very fast.

Features of Cats eye stone

  • The name of the stone cateye has originated from its striking resemblance to that of cat’s eye.
  • The stone can be identified by a striking beam of ray which passes through its center which gives a look of being a cat eye.
  • It is also known by other names such as lehsuniya, vaiduria, and chrysoberyl.
  • The catseye stone is found in abundance in shades of honey, yellowish green, and black.
  • Brazil, Burma, Sri Lanka and China are prominent source of cat’s eye gemstone
  • It is recommended to people who are suffering from negative effects of Ketu in their horoscope.
  • Cats eye stone price varies on the basis of its quality, size, and clarity as well as weight.


Benefits of wearing cats eye stone

  • Catseye stone can help in recovering the lost wealth
  • It can help in restarting the closed business
  • The gemstone is believed to bring luck in wearer’s life. It is for people who take risk and love adventures.
  • Wearing the catseye stone can ward off evil eye and negative energies
  • Catseye stone can ease the pain of the wearer that comes from life’s tough lessons.
  • It helps in detaching from worldly and materialistic attachments
  • The gemstone helps in healing from various serious ailments.
  • The gemstone helps in relieving from anxiety and dissolve stress
  • It offers awareness of surrounding and great memory restore
  • Disinterest in food is also cured by wearing catseye stone
  • It helps in getting rid of many fears and complexes.

The catseye stone has high visual appeal owing to its unique appearance. The gemstone enhances wisdom, willpower, courage and stability along with enlightenment towards moksha. It is also believed that the gemstone helps in attracting sudden wealth and financial gains as well as new opportunities. It brings stability and support in one’s life.

Cats eye stone price in India depends on its quality which is determinedon the basis of its size, clarity, and weight. The price of catseye stone ranges from Rs. 500 to Rs, 20000 depending on the stone one chooses. It is believed that the stone should at least weight 1/10th of the wearer’s weight and should be free from chemical treatments.

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