The essential guide to the benefits of the cat’s eye gemstone

Cat’s eye or Vaidoorya or Lehsunia are its many name. It represents the planet Ketu and looks similar to the eyes of a cat. This gemstone pacifies the malefic effects of Ketu that is also known by the dragon’s tail. Ketu is a shadow planet and causes several problems to human beings. So, wearing cat’s eye can reduce the problems caused by this half-planet called Ketu.

Best cat’s eye gemstone also called Sutra Mani is found in several countries of Asia. It is of various shapes and sizes. The other names of Sutra Mani are Chrysoberyl, Ketu-Ratna and Cyophane Cat’s eye. It gives very fast results to the wearer. However, it is recommended that cat’s eye is to be worn only after consulting a proper astrologer. It is very much popular for chatoyancy. This band of light is considered as a mark of the stone’s purity. It must be worn in a ring only as it is suggested by the ancient astrological system. Wear it before sunrise occurs in the middle finger on a Sunday or a Friday. Always wear it after doing the shuddhi puja according to Vedic rites i.e. after washing it with Ganges water or unboiled milk. Always buy from authentic dealers of gemstones or big jewellery shops or from authentic e-sites after checking the cat’s eye stone price.


Benefits of Vaidoorya Mani

  • It protects the wearer from the evils caused by enemies.
  • It brings in materialistic gain for the wearer.
  • It protects the wearer from evil eye, supernatural harmful powers and black magic.
  • It also protects the cat’s eye from getting punishments from the higher authority or government of the country.
  • Cat’s eye is helpful in curing every kind of skin disorders.
  • It also cures other problems like urinary problems, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis troubles, hormonal problems and paralysis.
  • Cat’s eye stone is considered to be the bestower of a son.
  • It also cures genetic disorders. People suffering from genetic problems can wear this gemstone for pacifying the effects of genetic diseases.
  • It also protects the wearer from accidents and other unfortunate problems.
  • It also cures the wearer form mental problems and neural disorders.

Cat’s eye gemstone is considered to be the best for writers, engineers, architects, politicians, judges and anyone related to the film industry. It will bring these professionals great success and achievements. Cat’s eye gemstone price is going to be a bit costly if you want the perfect stone, but you need the perfect stone so that it works well.

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