The features, significance and benefits of wearing Hessonite stone

Hessonite gemstone is also known as Gomed stone which represents the planet Rahu. According to the Vedic astrology, it is believed that the Rahu is a shadow planet. Though the Gomed gemstone is associated with the sun sign Aquarius, one should wear the stone only after getting a detailed study of horoscope done by an experienced astrologer.

The Hessonite gemstone showers wealth, power, dignity, prosperity and good health on its wearer. Hessonite stone price depends upon the clarity, treatment and size of the stone. The price of natural Gomed stone in India varies between Rs. 125/ carat to Rs. 4600/ carat. The price of the stone also depends upon the country of origin and the source of buying.


Features of Hessonite Gemstone:

  • The ideal gemstone should weigh at least 1/10th in carat of your total body weight.
  • The gemstone should have high clarity and preferably be spotless
  • The stone should be in shades of mid to dark orange
  • For astrological benefits, it should be chemical and heat free
  • It is considered that Ceylon hessonite stone from Sri Lanka is the best choice for gaining maximum astrological benefits

Benefits of Gomed gemstone:

  • The stone represents planet Rahu, and it can bring impeccable success in professional field bestows with power, great health and removes stress
  • The Hessonite stone greatly benefits people in IT sector. It can also help people in politics and bureaucracy.
  • The stone helps in strengthening the planet Rahu. People with good positioning of Rahu in Horoscope often have high analytical skills and quick decision-making skills which can turn unfavourable situations into their favour.
  • Rahu is known as a malefic planet. People who have Rahu in aweaker position in horoscope suffer from hesitation, indecisiveness, confusion, and uncertainty. Gomed gemstone will offer clarity of thoughts and eliminates mental stress
  • It enhances the immunity of the wearer. People with weak position of Rahu take time to cure in poor health status
  • It specifically helps people suffering from sinus, Haemorrhoids, fatigue and palpitation along with intestinal issues.
  • Hessonite removes negative effects of Rahu

Gomed stone online shopping can be done through various portals which sell authentic gemstones. However, it is necessary to buy original stone which is free of chemical and heat treatments. Hence, one should check the required lab certification of the seller before making the buying decision, because only pure gemstone can offer desirable astrological results.

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