All you need to know about the ten faced Rudraksha

What is a Rudraksha?

The seed of the Rudraksha plant is mainly found in the Himalayan mountain range of the Indian subcontinent. It is basically a subtropical tree that produces white colored flowers. Rudrakshas are very much worshipped and respected in the Hindu religion. Depending on the various faces it has, it is believed to bestow powers and blessing to the wearer. Even some rituals in the Hindu religion are considered inauspicious and incomplete without the use of the garland made up of the Rudraksha beads. It is common to use these beads during prayer time. Believed to have medicinal values the quality of the Rudraksha is based on the number of faces it has. One of the major kinds of Rudraksha is the ten-faced one. Let us learn more about it in this article.


The ten-faced Rudraksha

The 10 mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Lord Krishna who is considered to be the eighth incarnation of Narayana. The mantras for this Rudraksha are:

“Shree Narayanaaye Namah”,

Om Hreeng Namho Namah”,

And “Shree Vishnavai Namah.”

One of the advantage of this Rudraksha is that it has all nine planets as its ruling planets. So, the wearer is bestowed with the blessings of all nine planets. The wearer is also saved from untimely death by wearing this special Rudraksha. It also destroys all the sins committed by all the ten organs present in a human body. Black magic or other evil supernatural powers cannot harm the wearer of the ten-faced Rudraksha. The wearer is saved from getting harm by any kind of evil beings. It is also very good for the people suffering from nervousness and anxiety. It helps them control their mind and behave calmly and wisely when the situation demands so. It also helps to pacify pitra dosha of any person.

You can buy 10 mukhi Rudraksha from various e-sites or from a reputed astrologer. However, always make sure that you check up with a reputed astrologer before buying this special kind of Rudraksha. They sure will impact your life a lot and make you wise, healthy and successful if worn following the proper rituals and also it matters whether the beads are original or not. One way to test whether the beads are genuine or not is to soak it in clear and chemical free water and see whether after few hours it becomes soggy or broken. If either of the two happens, then it is not an original ten-faced Rudraksha.

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