Gemstones that cause peace of mind

Some of the gemstones are generally worn as a piece of ornament and are not really considered to have an impact on the mental state of the wearer, but this is not the case every time. Several stones have the astrological importance on the one who wears it and can affect your daily life to a lot of extents. They are known as precious gemstones and represent various planets. Some of them offer slow effects while a few of them can also offer fast effects.

Pearl or Moti gemstone:

Pearl gemstone is basically used for providing calmness and tranquillity to the wearer’s mind. It is the ruling stone of the moon and is considered to offer peace of mind. Pearl gemstone comes in many variants like natural wild stones, cultured pearls, south sea pearls, etc. Usually, natural stones are preferred, but as they are expensive and their cost is comparatively high, they are avoided. Natural pearl stones are rare and do not have many inclusions, the pearl moti price is around Rs40, 000 per karat to Rs55, 000 per karat. The cheaper version of natural pearls is also expensive, ranging from Rs15, 000 to Rs23, 000 per karat. However, people also consider 100% naturally cultured south sea pearls to be equally effective. They cost around Rs2, 000 per karat to as low as Rs350 also. It is usually found in white color, and the original pearl can offer great peace of mind. There are lots of sellers in the market who offer amazing stones with various weights and size.

Image result for pearl motiRed coral:

An Original coral stone is used for nullifying the ill effects of the Planet Mars from the wearer’s horoscope. Its cost ranges from around Rs700 to Rs6, 500 per karat. The Italian red coral, which is considered the best astrologically cost around Rs6, 500 per karat. A cheaper Italian red coral also costs as low as Rs3, 700 per karat. Another version of this gemstone is the Japanese coral stone; it costs between Rs2, 000 to Rs3, 500 per karat. However, if this gemstone is cheap than this should be avoided at any cost as it is of low quality and does not offer any astrological effect. They are ill manufactured and defected. Mars is the planet that is associated with the field of electric and land. Hence those who deal in these fields need to wear this stone. One can wear it in the form of a ring or even a bracelet.

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