Gem stones that brings positive changes in life

The red coral or the Laal Moonga is actually the hard skeleton of some small bushes and they are mainly made from hard calcium carbonate. Once seen in underwater, they look like colourful plants but from them one can actually carve out organic gem stones. Some stones are also used for jewellery making and some are used for astrological stones.

The colour of the coral moonga is mainly matte red, but they are polished well so that it can have a glossy effect. If one follows the Hindu Mythology, then they must know that wearing a red coral can save one from the malefic effects of the planet Mars. Mars is said to be the god of War and energy and the planet is also red in colour which symbolizes that this planet stands for perseverance of human life.

Now, the question is why it is beneficial to wear red corals. Here are some benefits of this gem stone.

Many years ago, the Romans used to believe that wearing this stone will help their children to save themselves from scorpion and snake bites. But now, this stone is mainly worn by those who lack self confidence. Those who fear to keep their voice ahead, this gem stone is immensely helpful for them. This stone helps one to face problems and then solve them with a cool mind. It also helps one to face adversities in life and keep calm in tough situations. This stone also has some medical benefits for the wearer. It helps to prevent fever which happens due to season changes, small poxes and piles. It is also said that wearing this stone can cure impotency in men.

But before buying, one has to remember that the stone should be authentic. The stone has to be either red or orange in colour. It should have an even colour tone all over. It should not have any perforations or dents.

Neelam stones or the blue sapphire stones are certain gem stones which have a huge effect on the wearer. It is the most fast reacting gem stones according to astrologers as it shows its effects within first seven days of wearing it. This one is good for students as it increases concentration power and helps one to focus in life. This stone brings calmness in human mind and help one to take any decision after a lot of speculations.

Before buying or wearing one, it is good to take help from an astrologer.

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