Bring Harmony in Conjugal Life

Rudraksha beads are something which is believed to shun down all the negative effects in life. This is not a recent belief but it has come down through ages. As history talks about these rudraksha beads; it is said that this was mainly carried by the early saints who used to travel from one place to another. They used to believe that carrying this rudraksha bead will help them in preventing all the negative forces around when they are moving from one place to another. They do have a lot of varieties or to be more precise many faces. It can be faceless, a single faced or multi faced beads. Each one differs from the other when it comes to infusing positivity in an individual’s life.

The two face rudraksha is one such variety. It mainly presents the Ardhanarishwar which as per Hindu mythology is the form of union between Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva. This actually represents the union of body and soul. So it is a symbol of union and it helps a man and a woman to connect their minds and souls together. Togetherness is the soul of this rudraksha bead.

As the name Gauri Shankar suggests this type of rudraksha symbolizes the union of the two. According to Hindu mythology it is the symbol of Lord Shiva (whose other name is Shankar) and Parvati (whose other name is Gauri). This Gauri Shankar rudraksha is a very rare thing to be found and those who bear the authentic rudraksha gets blessed by the inner peace of both soul and mind. It helps in the awakening of inner consciousness. This also helps one to attain the spiritual evolution and oneness among many in nature. It evokes pure universal form of love among the person who wears it. It helps to bring oneness in humanity. It is said that in ancient times the saints and yogis used to wear this rudraksha during the time of meditation. It can also be placed somewhere in a house and worshipped or can be worn as a pendant or mala.

As this type of rudraksha symbolizes the union of Shiva and Parvati, it is beneficial for one who is thinking of marriage and starting a conjugal life. Those who are seeking a perfect life partner or those who are suffering from a bad love relationship; this rudraksha can help you come out of it and make things better.

Wear 2 mukhi rudraksha only after consulting with an astrologer.

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