Keep away negativities from life with rudraksha beads

Rudraksha is a type of bead which is available mainly in the hilly regions. These beads were used by the ancient Indian saints and they used to meditate with this rudraksha beads. Now, as the Hindu astrologers believe, these rudraksha beads provide a lot of benefits to common people who wear them. But the benefits depend on how many faces the beads have. Yes, rudraksha beads can be single faced or multi faced and the benefits depend on how many face a particular bead has. This is not a metallic bead and it is fully organic and as a result; it does not get worn out. The name Rudraksha arrived from the word ‘Rudra’ which is another name of Hindu Lord Shiva and ‘Aksha’ means tear drops.

For original rudraksha online shopping one has to check the authentic sites which deals with authentic beads and one should buy only from those sites. It is said that there should be at least 108 rudraksh beads plus one tied together in a chain or string. That extra bead tied to it is called bindu which gives energy to a person wearing the chain or even holding it. It is said that the beads should be tied together with a silk or a cotton thread so that it can be tied loosely. But it is also advised to change the thread every six months to prevent the chain from tearing and beads falling apart.

Many centuries ago, these rudraksha beads were used to check whether the drinking water available is pure or not. Saints used to hold a rudraksha bead on top of the drinking water. If it would turn clockwise, then the water beneath is pure and safe to drink but, if the bead turned anti clockwise, then the water beneath is not at all safe to drink.

But at present, rudraksha bead is not used to check the quality of water. At present it is only used to bring some positive effects in life. Rudraksha is thus a bead which helps one to maintain a balance between their personal and professional life. It gives a boost of confidence and strength in one and makes them more focus and confident in taking some vital decisions. It creates a positive force and also helps one to attain the peace of mind.

For original rudraksha mala online shopping one can take help from astrologers as they can check the authenticity of the bead.

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