Rudraksha Codification

Rudraksha is hot in nature, hence it helps in proper blood circulation, equal distribution of energy to all the parts of human body and melts out the excess quantity of cholesterol in the blood thus keeping the heart ailments at bay. It is Vataghna, hence Rudraksha plays a vital role in treating chest pain and in an early stage of rheumatic pains. It will not allow any further complications to grow in rheumatic cases and also works for mental alertness making a man feel mentally and spiritually hale and healthy. Rudraksha is also Kaphanashak, hence it has the curative effect on the early stage of asthma, various allergies, rhinitis, obesity, unwanted over swelling etc. It is also having the characteristic of “Shiraishi Shamanam” which means having curative qualities of head diseases which includes mental diseases, eyes, nose, ears, throat ailments. It is Ruchyam, which means, it is used, to cure stomach ailments especially, indigestion, gases, tastelessness,
etc. It is Bhutagrah Vinashanam hence cures the various mental diseases, bad effects of evil spirits and planetary afflictions. The online rudraksha shopping is also possible.

Many people say that God is not there. All these creations like the planet, sun, moon, etc. came into existence by a particle which burst and all these creations occurred. let me know that if you burst a stone here on earth or in space soo, is it possible that all the particles of that burst stone would be in proper and accurate places as by themselves without human instruction? The answer is no, that’s not possible, soo how do you think that the whole universe came into existence just by bursting up a small mass in-universe.

There is also a misconception worldwide that if God occurs soo why we cant see them. The question is good what qualification do you have to see god. If I take you to a dark room and say On the basis of pharmacological experiments made by Indian and foreign experts it is proved that rudrakshas are beneficial in the treatment of neurological and mental disorders. Rudraksha acts as the central depressant, anticonvulsant, cardiac stimulant, smooth muscle relaxant, hypotensive and hypoglycemic. The mode of action of Rudraksha therapy is covered by basic principles of Ayurveda and is also fulfils the ideals of gentle, harmless and quick restoration of health basing on comprehensive principles. This therapy being purely herbal and most to tolerable by the human body, can be taken by persons of any age, sex and profession and it has no side effects. As now we have realized that the more indiscriminately we use allopathic drugs the worst the disturbance if the vital force and the human body’s natural mechanism and the resistance power of the body are gradually reduced. The rudraksha online rudraksha shopping in India is now a days very popular and is most likely to be done .Also many companies like Amazon, Flipkart, Etc.  Sell it.But rudraksha shopping and marketing is at the top now a days and in trend.Soo,most likely it is to be done from online it would be beneficial aa well as better. Use and worshipping the bigger Rudraksha is the best one. Smaller or medium size rudraksha are most effective for wearing and japam.

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