Buy Moonga Stones and Gomed Stones On-line

The Moonga stone or the Praval also known as the red coral gemstone as per the Indian Vedic astrology is the gemstone of Mars,Mangal. The red Coral hails in boosting the energy of Mars in the horoscope as the Mars is mostly made up of iron which is a necessary part of our blood and so the planet is filled with energy, vitality, ambition and blood circulation.

Also known as the Hessonite Garnete stone the Gomed stone is filled with the energies of the malefic and the strong planet of Rahu. This powerful gemstone is believed to be very powerful at this age if Kalyug i.e., the present time in which we are living. This stone is effectively helpful for those who have Kalsarpa dosha. If this stone suits to the individual then he or she will be blessed with fast relief from Sarpa dosha and its symptoms.

If you are searching or looking forward to buy Moonga Stones Online then you are at the right place.

Benefits of Moonga stone:

  • Mars is considered to be the God of warfare and it gives the necessary courage to overcome difficulties and enemies thereby ensuring victory over advisories and over enemies.
  • The Red Coral gemstone is believed to benefit in overcoming procrastination and laziness giving impetuous and giving logical conclusion to individuals to take their task thereby overcoming further delay.
  • This powerful stone has a great impact on mental health. It helps in overcoming mental depression, giving hope,energy and vigour in Life. This stone is also believed for boosting self-esteem, courage and it also helps in overcoming fear and nervousness
  • It represents but Mangalya Balam, long life of spouse and strength of marriage. It also protects women from widowhood.
  • People who have Manglik dosha in their horoscope which leads to challenges in their interpersonal relationships should wear this red Coral or Moonga according to their astrological analysis as per birth chart.

       The Moonga gemstone has a powerful ruler i.e., planet Mars which is also known as the Planet of Fire. The wearer of the Red Coral is saved from the wrath of the fiery Mars and is benefitted by leaps and bounds.

Benefits of Gomed Stone:

There are many benefits of gomed stones and you can also do gomed stone online shopping :

  • The Gomed stone provides a balanced temperament and it removes confusion by giving mental clarity by overcoming Rahu period.
  • Diseases which are complicated and very difficult to diagnose and treat are the domains of Rahu. Many ailments come under Rahu’s domain. The Gomed gemstone if suitable to the individual and will bring relief and solution to the ailments.
  • Blessed with power, influence,wealth and success,this stone benefits those in politics,public relations and any other individual in trade.
  • It boosts the individual’s self-confidence by removing fear complexes. It gives the courage to take over anything and gives the capacity to take on life head on.
  • This gemstone is beneficial to patients of gastric disorder as it blesses with health vigour and vitality.

This gemstone should be worn after showing an astrologer as per their birth date and natal chart to derive benefits of this stone.

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